BIM Platform: Everything About The Great Trend Of Construction

BIM platform is the information modeling of the building, which allows to create intelligent building plans. That is, it is possible to insert useful information as inputs, footage and thickness, in each part of this plant.

An architectural project carried out in BIM, by having a 3D space vision, would already help to find errors. By integrating with information, it has a geometry that will aid in the entire construction process. This involves planning, preliminary services, planning, budget, foundation, structure, electrical and hydrosanitary facilities.

In the image below, from a bathroom plant developed on the BIM platform, it is possible to see all the necessary components. By clicking on the sink, for example, you know information such as its cost and how many units of this model are in stock.

To summarize: On the BIM platform, a mockup, budget, stock and adds everything that goes inside the building. It gets easier to know, if something goes wrong or not, right?

5 levels of the BIM Platform: 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D

Although known by the "BIM 3D" level, there are different depths of use, with different objectives. Know more about the "D" of BIM:

BIM 3D platform: focuses on the visualization in spatial aspect, allowing everyone to see the changes made at the same instant they are made. It also helps that the work is done collaboratively by integrating data from different areas. That is, it integrates everything from architects, material suppliers to engineering.

BIM 4D: Used in risk prevention, allowing a practical visualization of construction planning. This second level of BIM assists in the management of conflicts, anticipating analyzes that would be made only at the moment of execution.

BIM 5D: Budgeting level, shows the impact of cost over time, doing a work analogous to the Physical-Financial Schedule. The benefit of BIM 5D? Greater accuracy in budget forecasting.

BIM 6D: In a world that values ​​more and more the sustainable use of natural resources, this level works on the analysis of energy consumption, which will result in choosing high performance (and less proportional energy) equipment.

BIM 7D: At this level there is a focus on facility maintenance, resulting in benefits such as faster replacement of parts. It has great use for project leaders who need to manage the entire lifetime of an enterprise.

Advantages of the BIM Platform

Ask any construction entrepreneur:

Do you want to increase your productivity? The most likely answer is a resounding yes! This is one of the proposals of the BIM platform, which allows several people to edit the project at the same time. And it still generates productivity by avoiding doing something more than once, the famous rework, since you can see in real time if there is any conflict, like a pillar standing in front of the elevator.

Another point very commented by the constructors who use the BIM platform is the possibility to model objects already inserting their physical properties. In addition to saving time in future steps, it makes the engineering design integrated, allowing for a more accurate analysis of how the work is and facilitates decision making.

If you know the real cost of modifying the bathroom in the room, you can decide: Is it worth it to the point that people pay a little more for this small increase in quality?

8 main advantages of the BIM platform

In a survey conducted by Autodesk and McGraw-Hill Construction , the 7 main advantages of using the BIM platform in the view of owners of infrastructure projects were evidenced.

Here's how the answers were distributed:

  • 44% - Better results;
  • 44% - Reduction in the rework of projects in BIM platform;
  • 38% - Less claims litigation;
  • 33% - Reduction of errors in documents;
  • 33% - Reduction in workflow time;
  • 33% - Reduction in project duration;
  • 22% - Reduction in the cost of construction.

The fact that costs were only 7th place as the main advantages of using BIM differs from other studies, such as that of Dodge Data & Analytics . In it 48% of the construction professionals interviewed look at a reduction of costs of at least 5% at the end of the project, for using the BIM platform and not other platforms.

Two other advantages raised by the study are:

  • More than 51% clearly see a reduction in design time;
  • 31% of the respondents observed significant improvements, approximately 25%, in labor productivity.

Disadvantages of BIM Platform

Although the use of the BIM platform is a major trend in the construction industry, there are some aspects that deserve attention. We separated the five main points that should be analyzed before choosing to use BIM:

Incompatibility with project partners: It is not everyone who uses BIM (unfortunately!). There will always be the risk of some of the companies that you need to get involved with, not working.
Lack of skilled professionals: As a relatively new construction trend, there are few fit professionals on the market. So the construction entrepreneur needs to invest in consulting and training.
Interoperability: Integration of BIM with other software can cause problems. They can even make it impossible to use them in the construction project.
Investment: You will need to buy new software that specializes in BIM technology.
Legal issues: There are laws in the Chamber of Deputies and Ministries of Planning that bring legal security to BIM service providers.


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