There is no doubt that the construction of wood is among the most traditional among all existing construction methods and technologies.

However, because it is so traditional, the construction of wood also suffers some prejudice by much of the consumer market. Even some professionals in the industry do not welcome the use of construction wood .

Wood is often seen as an outdated material. Thus, the option of making wood construction is often rejected in exchange for other materials, such as concrete and steel.

However, wood is a material that offers many possibilities for the construction industry. Technological advances and new treatments allow to make wood construction with more and more safety and efficiency.

Some experts have bet heavily on the growth of wood construction in India for the next few years .

In this text, we will talk about the possibilities that the wood offers for the civil construction and the architecture. We will also cover some cases of successful wood construction.

Let's start by seeing where the wood can be applied in construction.

How to Use Wood in Construction

The wood can be used in different ways in the construction , both during the execution and incorporated to the buildings.

Temporary applications are mainly in the form of:

  • Tapestry : the use of wood is very traditional for the closing of the construction sites . Among the advantages are the construction cost and ease of maintenance of these temporary structures;
  • Scaffolding : Although the use of tubular metal scaffolding has gained more and more space in the market, the use of traditional wooden scaffolding is provided by NR 18 . This is because the fall of height is one of the main accident factors of the work in Construction. Therefore, when using wood for scaffolding, it is necessary to observe the guidelines of the standard ;
  • Shoring : This is another field where wood has lost space for similar metals. Still, wood is still used quite frequently for shoring, mainly due to its low cost .

In the same way, there are many possibilities of using wood in a way incorporated to the construction.

In this case, it is common to classify the wood construction according to the purpose of application:

  • Heavy : pieces of wood that act as beams and boards. They are used in structures and roofs;
  • Lightweight : parts used in the form of linings, panels, wainscots and trimmings, for example;
  • Internal : refers to the use of door and window frames.

The wood appears in the construction as:

  • Toppings : Perhaps the most traditional wood construction is the roofing woodwork with its various pieces , such as scissors, rafters, trusses, tie rods and struts . This use requires specific techniques for calculating material consumption and costs ;
  • Structures : for buildings with different typologies, pillars and beams can be made of wood. The construction of wood requires very specific care and technical knowledge .

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Advantages of wood construction

If planned, designed and executed properly, the wood construction presents several competitive advantages . Among them, many inherent to the industrialization of the construction process.

Industrialized processes bring gains in productivity and related to the lower generation of waste to buildings . And the bet on the industrialization of constructive elements - especially structures - is one of the strategies of the wood industry . New products and technologies available make timber construction more agile and organized.

The economic aspect also counts points for the construction of wood. Because it is industrialized, wood provides a reduction in the amount of waste and increases productivity at the construction site.

Lighter than other materials, wood usually has cheaper freights. Lightness also contributes to the need for less robust foundations.

Another positive point of wood construction is architectural versatility. Aesthetically, wood presents many possibilities to architectural professionals . In this sense, they provide sophistication and modernity as closures, for example.

The wood can be used in natura on floors and ceilings. Naturally insulating, the wood also contributes to the thermal and acoustic comfort of the building.

Environmentally there are also advantages in the construction of wood . After all, the production of wood sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It is the opposite, therefore, of the cement manufacturing process.

Energy consumption for the production and processing of wood is also lower than for other materials such as steel or plaster. Finally, the wood is recyclable and generates little waste at the construction site.

For wood construction to be beneficial to the environment, however, we need to look at some issues.

One of them, avoid the use in contact with moisture and verify the origin of the material.


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